The running mojo

Before Christmas, I had started to run again, not very far, but I had put on my trainers and got outside and set up a plan to slowly get back into it. And I was. The aim wasn’t distance or time, it was simply, getting outside and doing something. I have a little route thats not more than 2 miles and is perfect for where I am currently. Along with the Nike Run App and a guided run (literally called first run) I found myself for the first time actually enjoying it. I mean it felt hard. I am 3 stone heavier so it was way harder than my runs of previous years but with the guided coach talking to me telling me to take it slowly I found quite quickly my performance improved. Day one is literally get it done, but by run 4 it felt easier and just that little bit better. Then I got appendicitis and became very anaemic and well its now mid-March and my trainers havent left the wardrobe. So this blog now has a new purpose. I am going to find my running mojo. Nothing fancy, no special distance, no speedy time, just literally make time to go outside and jog. No more than 30mins required. Thats it. No pressure. I have 30mins in my day to do this. I can do this. I used to do it. I easily waste more than 30mins a day doom scrolling (that didnt really exist 10 years ago).

So here we are a new challenge. Simply, leave the house, and jog or plod as I like to call it and get into a routine.

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One thought on “The running mojo

  1. Lady J says:

    I love that you are back. Thank you so much for writing. What’s the latest – it’s been two weeks!

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