Tag Archives: early start

I didn’t drown – result

How good am I? This morning at 6:30am I was down my local swimming pool thrashing out the lengths for around 30 mins before work.

Actually when I say thrashing – I mean I was in the slow lane reminding myself on how to swim (after a good 15 year absence of proper lane swimming) and pausing for a minute after every 4 lengths.  But hey ho, first swim done and 35 lengths completed. Which in a 25 metre pool is pretty much triathlon distance. Hurrah! I noticed that I need to work on improving my technique, stamina, endurance and speed (and build my confidence up for the fast lane).  But overall I was happy with my first swim, I have done it and I enjoyed it and I am looking forward to getting back my swimming mojo. YES!

This evening’s challenge, Fit Camp …or Torture Camp as I prefer to call it. Not sure I want to bring that on.

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