Tag Archives: Healthier

#badphoto – motivation mojo


The bad photo with cropped heads – my friends might not appreciate being included on this post

The other day I mentioned that I had rediscovered my motivation mojo to get my train back on for the Virgin London Triathlon in August.

Well my motivation mojo was found in the shape of a rather disturbing photo of myself and my lovely friends on a recent trip to Paris. Now I am sure you can see where this post is going…

You know when you see a photo of yourself and you ask the question ‘is that really what I look like?!’ ‘What the hell happened?!’

Well those were my thoughts when this said photo (actually photo is photos, there are more than one of these bad photos) was added as my friends profile picture on Facebook over the weekend. My initial reaction was ‘eekk I have got quite chunky, this is not a good look.’ Secondly part of me wanted to question my friend as to why she wanted to use it as her profile picture! (Other than the fact she clearly likes how she looks in this photo and it is after all her profile picture, which is one of the reasons why I have not said anything). But personally it felt like by posting this picture she was saying, look at me, gorgeous me and my chunky thighed, short-arsed friend!

Now I would never actually say anything to her about it, as it is me taking it personally and I know that she hasn’t posted it deliberately in the way I have mentioned above. Instead its become my motivation. I mean, if I don’t like how I look, then its down to me to do something about it and only me. After all, my friends do not force me to be lazy, or drink too much or overeat and make poor food choices. That’s me and only me. I look this way because I have allowed it to happen and I am the only one who can be accountable for it. I am the only one who can change it.

So in this long winded post, I guess what I am actually saying is this – THANK YOU! I thank my friend for posting this photo as its the kick up the backside I have needed to get myself going. I have been in denial about my lifestyle, hiding behind excuses and not taking control or responsibility for my choices. Choosing the easy option instead of reaping the rewards of putting in some hard work.  I signed up for this triathlon to challenge myself, to get fit and to get healthy along the way and what I have done instead? I have been slacking on my backside, as shown in said photo by my expanding body.

To keep the motivation going I have had the photo printed multiple times. I have a copy by my computer at work, I have copy on the fridge in my kitchen and a copy in my lounge. Plus its my phone screensaver. Its my focus. Its my starting point.

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Hello – erm what I have got myself into?

I have just foolishly agreed with my boyfriend to take on a challenge … a triathlon in 2014, the Virgin London Triathlon. The reason behind the challenge? Firstly I have been very inspired by my good friend Alice and her triathlon journey. She completed her first triathlon last weekend and rocked it. After months of hard work and sheer determination she met the challenge head on and quite simply nailed it. This is what I admired the most as well as watching her reap the benefits of her all her efforts (not only completing the triathlon, but getting fitter, stronger and healthier along the way).

Secondly I need to get fitter and healthier. Since turning 30 this year, I have made a promise to sort myself out. (I am currently in the middle of a boot camp month and I have been running 2-3 days a week to slowly build my fitness levels up). Over the past 6 years I have got myself into a bad routine (eating out, eating junk and drinking more than is healthy) and I have developed some bad habits, both of which need an overhaul. So a challenge like a triathlon seems to be a good motivator in getting there.

So here is where I am going to share my progress, the ups and the downs, highs and lows of training and I hope along the way to share & gain some tips, advice and some support from the online blogging community. So here it goes…gulp.

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